Peace and Conflict Studies Minor

This multidisciplinary minor is for students who want to add a background in international conflict, peace movements, and peace building to their four-year degrees. The program combines elements of political science, international studies, cultural anthropology, psychology, and military history, making it a perfect match for students who plan to work in government, technology, international studies, cybersecurity, and other related fields. Watch this video to learn more about the Peace and Conflict Studies minor


The Peace and Conflict Studies minor requires 18 credits of coursework (about six classes). Relevant courses that satisfy part of a student's General Education requirements may be "double-counted" as part of the Peace and Conflict Studies minor.

Required Courses (9 credits)
PLSC 014 (GS): International Relations
PLSC 291 (GS): Introduction to Peace and Conflict Studies (Watch a video to learn more about this course)
PLSC 491: Peace and Conflict Studies Seminar

Supporting Courses and Related Areas (9 credits)
Select 9 credits from related fields of study, including at least 6 credits at the 400 level. Qualifying courses frequently taught at Brandywine include:

ANTH 045N: Cultural Diversity

BA 243: Social, Legal, and Ethical Environment of Business

CAS 404: Conflict Resolution and Negotiation

COMM 100: The Mass Media and Society
COMM 370: Public Relations
COMM 458: Media, Law, and Ethics

ENGL 105: American Popular Culture and Folklife
ENGL 133: Modern American Literature to World War II
ENGL 139: Black American Literature
ENGL 194: Women Writers
ENGL 436: American Fiction since 1945

HDFS 301: Values and Ethics in Health and Human Development
HDFS 414: Resolving Human Development and Family Problems

HIST 020: American Civilization to 1877
HIST 021: American Civilization since 1877
HIST 144: The World at War: 1939-1945
HIST 142: African American History

MUSIC 007: Evolution of Jazz
MUSIC 009: Introduction to World Music

PHIL 103: Introduction to Ethics
PHIL 007: Asian Philosophy
PHIL 009: Philosophy, Race, and Diversity
PHIL 108: Social and Political Philosophy

PLSC 003: Introduction to Comparative Politics

PSYCH 100: Introduction to Psychology
PSYCH 221: Social Psychology

RLST 001: World Religions
RLST 140: Religion in American Life and Though

SOC 001: Introductory Sociology
SOC 005: Social Problems
SOC 015: Urban Sociology

SRA 211: Threat of Terrorism and Crime

WMNST 001: Introduction to Women’s Studies

Other appropriate coursework may be substituted with the approval of the Peace and Conflict Studies co-advisers.


The Peace and Conflict Studies minor is an excellent choice for students in a variety of fields, but especially those enrolled in majors such as:

Since the minor encourages students to understand sources of violence as well as non-violent methods of conflict transformation, students in Social Justice, Civic & Community Engagement, English, Human Develoment and Family Studies, and other related fields will also find strong connections between their majors and the Peace and Conflict Studies Minor.

For more information contact Paul deGategno (610-892-1465, or Paul Greene (610-892-1474,